[ZendTo] Re: Help with Ubuntu

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Feb 19 14:03:25 GMT 2013

On 18/02/2013 18:58, Alastair Cook wrote:
> Hi,
> I was hoping someone might be able to help with the Ubuntu template for ESX.  I’ve successfully got the VM & site up and running however my  Linux skills via the CLI are limited.. I can’t login to the web site to add any users etc. or make any changes. Is there a default admin login for the website or does it all need to be done via the CLI initially?
You add/list/edit/delete users with the CLI I'm afraid. I never wrote a 
web interface to this, as most people just use the IMAP, LDAP or AD auth 
plugins and so wouldn't need it anyway.
>    I have tried adding / listing users by following a forum thread but get a “only one or two names allowed” message when trying to add and "command not found" for list users.  I’ve done the following:
> sudo su -
> cd /opt/zendto/bin
> ./adduser.php
Before you do that command, do this one:
export ZENDTOPREFS=/opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
Then "./adduser.php" should tell you the syntax you need, which is like 
./adduser.php their-username 'password-here' 'real.name at my-domain.com' 
'Mr Real Name' 'My Company Inc' 9999999

(yes, you do need the 99999999 on the end, but 99% of users will never 
use it)
> ./listusers.php
That doesn't need any parameters, and should then list any users you 
have added.

Hope that's enough to get you going!


> Can anyone help me with the best \ easiest way to get allow me to login and start using things.
> Any help appreciated.  Rgds, Alastair
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