[ZendTo] New beta release 4.11-1

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Sun Sep 30 14:38:36 BST 2012

I have just put up RedHat and Debian/Ubuntu released of a new beta 
version on the website.
I haven't tested these, they are not intended for production servers.

They aren't in the YUM or APT repositories, you will need to download 
the appropriate package from http://zend.to/downloads.php and install 
them yourself.

The Change Log for this version is as follows:

Version 4.11-1
- Widened permissions needed for clamd to see the temporary uploaded files
   for virus scanning.
- Added apc.rfc1867_ttl settting to apc.ini in web site.
- Added support for SQLite3 as present in Ubuntu 12 and higher.
- Fixed bug where only the first recipient was shown in a list of drop-offs.
- Changed behaviour so that the sender of a drop-off is notified when every
   recipient picks up a file from a drop-off for the first time. Old
   behaviour was to only notify the first time *any* recipient picked up a
   file, giving a max on 1 email notification per drop-off, whereas now 
   get a max of 1 email notification per recipient.
- Fixed some minor "strict PHP" warnings.

Please send feedback to me or to this mailing list.


P.S. Sorry it's been so long since I've worked on ZendTo much, I've been 
arranging a new job at work, and have finally started work. So things in 
my "day job" have been rather busy! :-/


Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng

Twitter: @JulesFM
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  I see it shining plain,
  The happy highways where I went,
  And cannot come again.' - A.E. Houseman

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