[ZendTo] Re: SQLiteDatabase not found

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed May 9 08:57:53 BST 2012

You need to install the php-mysql package.


On 08/05/2012 23:45, Bryan Parks wrote:
> We are trying to configure ZendTo on a server that is running Ubuntu 
> 12.04 LTS. I followed all of the setup instructions on the website and 
> everything went off without a hitch, but once I tried to connect to 
> the website I got the following message in the web browser:
> Fatal error: Class 'SQLiteDatabase' not found in 
> /opt/zendto/lib/SQLite.php on line 44
> I've also checked the apache error log and the only thing that shows 
> up is the same message. It seems like the databases aren't setup on 
> the server, but all of the installation documentation that I can find 
> says there is no setup necessary if we are using SQLite. Can anyone 
> offer any suggestions as to what might be wrong with our configuration?
> --------------------------------------------------
> --Bryan
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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