[ZendTo] Re: How to handle bounces

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Fri Mar 23 12:11:22 GMT 2012

On 23/03/2012 11:56, Alexander Fisher wrote:
> On 23 March 2012 11:01, Jules<Jules at zend.to>  wrote:
>> I was pretty close. :-)
>> Line 878 in your case, just above it.
>> Jules.
> Hi Jules
> The results of some quick testing.  As an internal user trying to
> request a dropoff from an invalid external user (non existent domain
> in this case), the behaviour was good (the bounce went to the
> originating internal user.
> However, testing an external user trying to dropoff to a non existent
> internal user wasn't so good.  In my case, the external user was using
> gmail.  Unfortunately, gmail placed the bounce in my spam folder
> giving the following reason.
> 'Why is this message in Spam? It seems to be a fake "bounce" reply to
> a message that you didn't actually send.'
> If hotmail, yahoo etc treat the bounces in a similar manner, it limits
> the usefulness of the feature, which is a shame as a one liner would
> have been great!
I have no control whatsoever over the content of the bounce message. It 
is generated by the MTA (Postfix or whatever). You *may* find that 
Postfix allows you to customise the contents of the bounce message to a 
certain extent, but you would have to dig through the Postfix docs to 
see if that is possible.


> Kind Regards,
> Alex
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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