[ZendTo] Re: email address removed

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Jul 24 09:49:37 BST 2012

Because someone has modified your copy of ZendTo?
The string 'EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED' does not appear in the ZendTo source 

On 12/07/2012 14:50, Dale Qualls wrote:
> Jules (or anyone):
> I was wondering why the email address of someone who picked up a 
> dropoff would say "EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED"?
> I tested doing pickups with just the claim info, using an emailed link 
> and actually removing the email address info from it (deleted from the 
> "&email" to the end of the link) and I tried mangling the link by 
> leaving the "&emailAddr=" yet stripping out the email address and I 
> can't reproduce the result.  In both of these tests the email address 
> for the pickups was simply blank.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks!
> Dale
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