[ZendTo] Re: Address book integration?

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Mon Jul 2 16:45:54 BST 2012

Have you considered setting up mailing lists in your email system 
("Distribution Groups" in Exchange) for large sets of people you often 
need to send to?

As a web application, integrating it with a local app's address book 
would be very awkward indeed.


On 25/06/2012 15:47, Larry G. Wapnitsky wrote:
> Is there any way to integrate the address selection with a third-party 
> address book, e.g. Outlook or Thunderbird?  Sometimes having to type 
> in a large list of addresses can be tedious.
> Thanks
> *Larry G. Wapnitsky*MBA, MCSE, MCP+I
> *WRT* <http://www.wrtdesign.com/>*  | Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC 
> <http://www.wrtdesign.com/>*
> ----wrtmail--%3423wrt%----
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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