[ZendTo] Re: Fixing URL used in emails

Marlon R Deerr MDeerr at tgf.ca
Fri Jan 20 13:48:53 GMT 2012

If you are using Active Directory, why don't you do what I did to get around this. I created a new primary zone for our external domain. Then for ALL external services that we would normally have pointing to our external public IP Adresses, I created a new A-record pointing to the corresponding internal server IP. If you have certain services you don't host yourself, just make sure that A-record points to the correct public IP.

This has worked like a charm for me. Now when my users type the public dns name for our ZendTo server, it points them directly to my internal server instead but continues to use the public dns name for the URL.


Nigel Kendrick <linker3000 at gmail.com> wrote:


Our company Internet router can't cope with loopback addresses (URLs that resolve back onto the LAN) and so we have a public-facing URL for customers to get to our ZendTo site and also an address (portal.our.lan) that we use internally to get to the server in the DMZ. I thought I'd hard coded the external address into the PHP as required to ensure that customers don't get emails with the unreachable internal address but I must have missed a bit . Excluding the option of replacing our router...

1) Could the URL used in contact emails be made a config variable so it survives app updates.

2) For the interim, where exactly should I look to hard code the URL - I wonder if I have missed an instance somewhere.



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