[ZendTo] Re: Telling users how long they have to pick up a file.

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Feb 28 12:20:19 GMT 2012

Thanks for those 2.

I have improved it slightly by making the emails automatically pick up 
the expiry time from the preferences.php file, rather than hard-coding 
numbers into the templates which obviously won't work for other people.


On 28/02/2012 11:39, Nigel Kendrick wrote:
> Hi Jules,
> I have just made a couple of text edits as we had a few customers 
> taking their time picking up files and their claims were expiring and 
> they weren't sure why. As you can see I've also upped our expiry to 30 
> days. If this makes it to the released code it would be good if the 
> expiry variable was picked up and used:
> dropoff_email.tpl:
> You have 30 days to pick up the drop-off, after that the claim ID and 
> passcode will expire.  If you wish to contact the sender, just reply 
> to this email.
> zendto.conf:
> ErrorBadClaim = "The Claim ID or Passcode was incorrect or the 
> drop-off has expired; please recheck and note that drop-offs must be 
> collected within 30 days of notification otherwise they are 
> automatically deleted."
> All the best
> Nigel
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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