[ZendTo] Re: Using zendto behind apache proxy
Jules at Zend.To
Wed Feb 1 14:41:56 GMT 2012
Start in /opt/zendto/templates/header.tpl, there is *1* hard-wired URL
that will cause you this problem on line 50.
Not sure why the login would do that. It should authenticate the login
and then display main_menu.tpl. You're going to have to follow through
the login process from index.php I'm afraid :-(
I never wrote it to be usable from a sub-URL of a server, it always
assumes it's got the whole vhost to itself. Sorry about that. If you
login, end up and http://external.ip/ and then edit the URL to
http://external.ip/zendto/ does the main menu appear properly?
On 01/02/2012 14:31, Gerrit Otten wrote:
> Guys,
> I've been breaking my head about this.
> We use all of our application web-servers via a apache proxy server to
> group web applications for our users. In the proxy server i have a
> virtual host configuration that forwards via /zendto/ proxypass and
> proxypassreverse to http://internal.ip/.
> I can send and retrieve files via the external URL, but cannot login.
> After a succesfull logon, i get redirected to http://external.ip/
> instead of http://external.ip/zendto/.
> Anyone any ideas?
> Thnx!
> Gerrit
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