[ZendTo] Fwd: SweetCaptcha, Please support ZendTo

SYE OOPL sye.oopl at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 02:48:00 BST 2012

Hi ZendTo Community,

I mentioned SweetCaptcha a few days ago.

I am not sure if Jules would even want to put this into his development
right now, considering he's a very busy man. But if anyone in the community
is interested, please let me know so we can work on this together. I'm
new in ZendTo. So it would be easier to work with someone who has looked
the code before.

It would be nice to have the option to use either the Google Captcha or the
SweetCaptcha. I like the SweetCaptcha coz sometimes it could be frustrating
to try to guess the Google Captcha. Captcha should be difficult to use for
not humans.

cordially, Sherwin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SweetCaptcha support <support at sweetcaptcha.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 4:39 AM
Subject: Fwd: From: sye.oopl at gmail.com - Please support ZendTo
To: sye.oopl at gmail.com

[image: Inline image 1]

Hi Sherwin,
Thank you for using SweetCaptcha!

Thx for the intuitive!
If you know ZendTo developer you can refer him to our site and he can
download the PHP script,on any help or support
he can contact us and we can assist and make sure SweetCaptcha will work on
Zend.to !
(We are too very approachable ;-)  )

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for news and updates:

Have a great week!
SweetCaptcha team
http://www.SweetCaptcha.com <http://www.sweetcaptcha.com/>

[image: Facebook-icon.png] <http://www.facebook.com/SweetCaptcha> *Like us* on
Facebook.      [image: Twitter-icon.png]<http://twitter.com/#!/SweetCaptcha>
 *Follow us *on Twitter* *for news and updates.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 05:18
Subject: From: sye.oopl at gmail.com - Please support ZendTo

Hi. I think your captcha is cool. Hope you can work with the creator of
ZendTo. An open source, corporate-friendly-alternative to YouSendIt. It
would be nice to have your Captcha integrated with their solution. The
developer of ZendTo is a nice person and is very approachable. Here's their
website: www.zend.to

cordially, Sherwin
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