[ZendTo] Re: rrd fixes

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Sep 20 21:35:05 BST 2011

To save you poor busy folks a load of patching, I might just release a 
new version of ZendTo tomorrow. It's the first in a month or so, and it 
will iron out these niggles for you.

There won't be any new preferences.php settings or database changes, 
though there are a few *.tpl template changes. Should be a painless 
upgrade (he says, cursing it forever :-)


On 20/09/2011 21:14, Jules wrote:
> I've found and fixed the problems you've all been having with 
> rrdInit.php and rrdUpdate.php.
> Attached are new copies of
>     /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdInit.php
>     /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdUpdate.php
>     /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php
>     /opt/zendto/lib/SQLite.php
> You will probably need to delete your RRD data file 
> (/var/zendto/rrd/zendto.rrd by default) first, and then copy in the 4 
> files. Then run
>     /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdInit.php /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
>     /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdUpdate.php /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
> The rrdInit script creates the data file if necessary and updates it 
> with all the latest stats.
> The rrdUpdate script just creates all the graphs.
> Sorry it's taken me so long to work out the solution to this!
> Jules
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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