[ZendTo] rrd fixes

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Sep 20 21:14:14 BST 2011

I've found and fixed the problems you've all been having with 
rrdInit.php and rrdUpdate.php.

Attached are new copies of
You will probably need to delete your RRD data file 
(/var/zendto/rrd/zendto.rrd by default) first, and then copy in the 4 
files. Then run
     /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdInit.php /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
     /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdUpdate.php /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php

The rrdInit script creates the data file if necessary and updates it 
with all the latest stats.
The rrdUpdate script just creates all the graphs.

Sorry it's taken me so long to work out the solution to this!


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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'Teach a man to reason, and he will think for a lifetime.' - Phil Plait
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