[ZendTo] Re: JS Error

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Sep 20 16:01:47 BST 2011

I have just tested the Outbox functionality with the JavaScript error 
console displayed in IE9, Safari (Mac) and Chrome (Mac).
I cannot reproduce your error at all.

In the 3 places that call "doPickup" ('grep -l doPickup 
/opt/zendto/templates/*.tpl' as you'll see them), they all have a form 
called "pickup" with a hidden element "claimID" in it. So the code 
should work, and does for me.

Exactly how did you get it to display this error message?
And does it affect the functionality of the page?


On 20/09/2011 15:32, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> Jules,
> Under ZendTo 4.05 when in the Outbox screen and the user clicks on a 
> dropoff they have made a JS error, document.pickup is not defined, is 
> being wrong on line 90 of main.js:
> / * Jules' code */
> function doPickup(theID) {
>   document.pickup.claimID.value = theID; <--- here
>   return document.pickup.submit();
> }
> I have looked at the code and cannot see what is wrong any ideas ?
> -- 
> Thanks, Phil
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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'It's okay to live without all the answers' - Charlie Eppes, 2011
'All programs have a desire to be useful' - Tron, 1982
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