[ZendTo] Re: Zendto Update schedule & feature request

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed May 18 22:03:57 BST 2011

On 18/05/2011 18:03, Brad Beckenhauer wrote:
> Julian,
> Do you have a timeline for releasing v4.02?
No, not yet. There are one or two things I want to get fixed before I 
release 4.02. I try not to do releases when I know there are outstanding 
issues I haven't fixed yet.
> Also,
> One item I've had to modify during each zendto update is the wording 
> of the red message box that appears during a Drop-Off (new_dropoff.tpl 
> ) which I pasted below.
> from: new_dropoff.tpl
> <snip>
> Files uploaded to ZendTo-dev are scanned for viruses. But still 
> exercise the same degree of caution as you would with any other file 
> you download. Users are also *strongly encouraged* to encrypt any 
> files containing sensitive information (e.g. personal private 
> information) using a tool such as "Winzip" or "Encrypt Files", before 
> sending them via ZendTo-dev!
> </snip>
What's wrong with that? The "ZendTo-dev" names are taken from the 
definition of "ServiceTitle" in /opt/zendto/config/zendto.conf as I 
> Would you please give some thought as to if the code and the text of 
> the message could be separated into different files?
I've already done that. If you want to change the user interface at all, 
the idea is this:

1. Minor tweaks, such as your organisation name and service name, are 
done in /opt/zendto/config/zendto.conf.
2. Major tweaks, such as a completely different user interface for your 
organisation, are done in the template files in /opt/zendto/templates.
Neither will be overwritten by future upgrades of the code, which lives 
in /opt/zendto/www and /opt/zendto/lib.

Other than a bit of Javascript that is necessary for the current 
implementation of the user interface, no code is included in 
/opt/zendto/templates. And there is no user interface code at all in 
/opt/zendto/www or /opt/zendto/lib. You can change the user interface 
completely, without having to touch the "business logic" at all.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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