[ZendTo] Re: New user interface! -- 1st beta

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Mar 31 09:29:54 BST 2011

No, it's not a bug.

If you are coming from an IP address on your PC that matches the 
localIPSubnets setting in preferences.php, it suggests you login, as you 
probably can. It does this by displaying the long thin username+password 
box when you are looking at index.php and have not logged in.

This is all just to encourage you to login, as some users get confused 
that the main menu says that they can still send files to people, but 
they have to go through the email+human verification procedures to do 
it, which is awkward. So it strongly encourages you to login first.

Users would not normally see the 2 login methods on screen at the same 
time, as they will have logged in from the main menu (the home page of 
the site) using the long thin login box you see.

Hope that explains it. We've been racking our brains to find a way of 
suggesting to local users that they login first, before doing anything 
else. This is the best we could find.


On 31/03/2011 08:59, Barry Kwok wrote:
> The new user interface is Great!
>  I found that when I click the blue color "login" button in Home page, 
> it go to login page.But when I click "Login" again at the top menu 
> bar. The interface become as attached. Is it a bug?
> --barry
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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