[ZendTo] {Disarmed} Re: Penetration Test show big security issue

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Jun 16 11:52:14 BST 2011

This is easy to fix with a little patch to 
/opt/zendto/templates/show_dropoff.tpl which are files you can happily 
edit, and your changes will survive upgrades.

I've attached the patch file. gunzip it and then
     cd /opt/zendto/templates
     patch < /tmp/show_dropoff.tpl.patch
and you should find the HTML changes to not include the ClaimID and 
Passcode unless it is actually needed. I have also removed a whole chunk 
of commented-out HTML from the page.

This change will also be in the next release unless anyone says it 
doesn't work! :)


On 16/06/2011 10:30, patrick.gaikowski at kaufland.com wrote:
> Hi,
> the penetration test in my company shows big issue according 
> "onDemand" dropoff for non registered users.
>     * foreign user gets dropoff-auth with valid email-address after
>       Recaptcha
>     * user uploads files to Zendto with a non-existing email-address
>       of my company (for example --> nonexisting at kaufland.com)
>     * user gets dropoff summary
> in the source code of dropoff.php you can see the *claimid*and 
> *claimpasscode *as hidden input fields
> <form name="deleteDropoff" method="post" 
> action="https://share.kaufland.com/delete.php">
> <input type="hidden" name="claimID" value="JikPnNT7eDMCr9g7"/>
> <input type="hidden" name="claimPasscode" value="YtKuUMXQzcrMkAtd"/>
> The foreign user could send the *claimid*and *claimpasscode*to a lot 
> of users, like a filesharing platform!
> From this point of view its a big security issue!


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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