[ZendTo] Re: A few issues...

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Jun 16 10:41:08 BST 2011

In which case you need to set the permissions in /var/zendto correctly.

 From my website, do this:
usermod -a -G apache clamav
usermod -a -G apache clam
chown clam /var/log/clamav/clamd.log
service clamd restart

And the permissions inside /var/zendto should look like this:
$ ls -al
total 696
drwxrwxr-x.   6 root   apache   4096 Feb 24 10:40 .
drwxr-xr-x.  24 root   root     4096 Feb 24 09:57 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 173 apache apache  12288 Jun 16 10:25 dropoffs
drwxr-xr-x.   2 apache apache   4096 Jun 16 10:25 incoming
drwx------.   2 root   root    16384 Feb 24 09:28 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x.   2 apache apache   4096 Feb 25 12:02 rrd
-rw-rw-r--.   1 apache apache 661510 Jun 16 10:37 zendto.log


On 15/06/2011 16:10, Mark Hudson wrote:
> On 15/06/11 10:02, Jules wrote:
>> On 14/06/2011 17:35, Mark Hudson wrote:
>>> OK, I've had time to start again from scratch.
>>> So far so good! Seems impressive!
>>> Managed to get authentication against Active Directory to work.
>>> Had to modify php.ini to include timezone settings to avoid strftime 
>>> warnings all over the place
>>> Can't get clamdscan to behave - just displays the user an error but 
>>> nothing is written to the clam or the zendto logs
>> That's usually caused by SELinux or AppArmor, depending on what 
>> distribution you use.
>> On the command line, as root do
>>     clamdscan /var/zendto
> [root at idris config]# clamdscan /var/zendto
> /var/zendto/dropoffs/Zp9W2yHNSNtAZ983: lstat() failed: Permission 
> denied. ERROR
> /var/zendto/dropoffs/TWYyX6ow5zsbUJww: lstat() failed: Permission 
> denied. ERROR
> /var/zendto/dropoffs/VEiaaKMpvTD5f9Qi: lstat() failed: Permission 
> denied. ERROR
> /var/zendto/dropoffs/hTVGce8kcY9EmKbt: lstat() failed: Permission 
> denied. ERROR
>> and see what it says. If it spits permissions errors, that's usually 
>> SELinux/AppArmor getting in the way, you can confirm this by trying 
>> to clamdscan /root (when you're logged in as root).
> [root at idris config]# clamdscan /root
> /root: lstat() failed: Permission denied. ERROR
> Yet SELINUX is configured to be permissive, not enforcing.
> [root at idris config]# getenforce
> Permissive
> This is on RHEL.
> Mark
> -- 
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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