[ZendTo] Re: Installing on Ubuntu Server

Nigel Kendrick linker3000 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 16:25:59 GMT 2011

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:

>  In fact it's easier to run in Ubuntu than it is in CentOS.
> RedHat (and hence CentOS) never did manage to get SQLite working with PHP,
> so you have to use an entire great MySQL installation to provide the
> database support. In Ubuntu you can just use SQLite which is enormously
> easier, lighter and faster for my purposes.
> And also RedHat/CentOS 5 cannot do the PHP stuff required to make the
> progress bar work, unless you upgrade to PHP5.2 from a 3rd party, which is
> yet more messing around. Ubuntu is much more up to date, so none of that is
> needed.
> But I live in a RedHat shop too, which is why I built the CentOS version in
> the first place. It will never get adopted by our campus IT guys unless it
> runs on RedHat. They "don't do" Ubuntu, whereas in Electronics and Computer
> Science (where I work), we use the best tool for the job, regardless of
> whether everyone knows how to admin it or not. The ones that don't learn!
> :-)
> Jules.
Interesting. Remi has got SQLite packages for Fedora/RHEL in EPEL...


Do you see why I distribute it as a pre-built VM now? :-)
Meh, you can break that all down to give us an install.sh!

I'm looking good so far, all installed. I skipped the rebuild to give >2GB
file support and the site's up, although I have to get Postfix et al done
shortly and I have this minor niggle:

  To confirm that you are a real person (and not a computer), please fill in
the form below:

  Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid

Can you give me a prod in the right direction on that one.

Thanks again
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