[ZendTo] Re: ZendTo ANNOUNCE: 4.05 released

Duncan, Brian M. brian.duncan at kattenlaw.com
Wed Aug 17 15:35:07 BST 2011

Thanks Jules,

This might be self explanatory to you and others, but is Smarty part of the Zend build or something for PHP?  I am unfamiliar
with that.

Do we just need to update to build 4.05-2 of Zendto to cover us?



Data Security Administrator
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
525 W. Monroe Street / Chicago, IL 60661-3693
p / (312) 577-8045 f / (312) 577-4490
brian.duncan at kattenlaw.com / www.kattenlaw.com

-----Original Message-----
From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf Of Jules
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 1:31 PM
To: ZendTo Users
Subject: [ZendTo] Re: ZendTo ANNOUNCE: 4.05 released

I have myself hit the same Smarty bug that one of you hit the other day.
When displaying the size of a Drop-off, it displays an error message 
This is fixed in the latest version of Smarty, so I have upgraded Smarty 
and released build 4.05-2 of ZendTo.

There are no other changes in this release.

If you get the error message in your implementation of ZendTo, then I 
advise you to upgrade.

Cheers folks!

On 15/08/2011 15:11, Julian Field wrote:
> I have just released a new version 4.05, which hopefully you folks will
> like!
> Main new features and changes in this release are:
> - Changed sender address of all generated email, to avoid SPF and
> anti-relaying problems. Replies still possible because of "Reply-To:"
> header.
> - Added "Resend Dropoff" button to drop-offs in your Outbox.
> - Added "System Log" button to list of admin-only buttons.
> - AD authentication now supports a list of OUs in each forest/domain.
> - Manual complete check of all words in "Request a Drop-off" word list
> to remove all awkward or unsuitable words.
> - Minor improvments to MyZendTo.
> For more details on any of these, see the Change Log.
> You can download it as usual from http://zend.to
> Cheers!
> Jules.
> The full Change Log is here:
> - Changed sender address of all email messages sent by ZendTo. They are now
>     sent with the "From" address set to the value of "EmailSenderAddr" in
>     zendto.conf, and a "Reply-To" address set to the person who caused the
>     email to be sent. This should solve all your mail relaying and SPF
> problems.
> - Added some help text to the main menu page, so users know what to do.
>     Note that this uses a new zendto.conf setting "OrganizationType".
> - If you are using Active Directory authentication, you can search for the
>     user in more than 1 OU if you need to, in either or both forests/domains.
>     To do this, set the 'authLDAPBaseDN1' and/or 'authLDAPBaseDN2' settings
>     to be an array of OUs instead of a single OU, expressed like this:
>       'authLDAPBaseDN1' =>  array('OU=Staff,DC=mycompany,DC=com',
>                                  'OU=Interns,DC=mycompany,DC=com'),
>     There is no need to make them arrays if you are only searching a
> single OU
>     in each forest/domain.
> - Been through the "request a drop-off" key word list by hand, line by line,
>     and removed 726 words that were dubious, confusing, not in common
> usage, or
>     awkward to spell or pronouce.
> - Added a default quota for MyZendTo users so you don't have to add a record
>     to your local MySQL/SQLite user list for everyone that can authenticate.
> - Implemented "Resend Dropoff" button in page showing a drop-off. Useful
>     when recipients fail to receive (or delete or lose) the notification
> email.
> - Done some clearups of MyZendTo so it doesn't show you the Claim ID or
>     Passcode of your drop-offs, as that confuses users and doesn't help.
> - Added a commented-out section to www/css/local.css showing how to make
>     the website narrower left to right.
> - Improved logging of requests sent and dropoffs deleted.
> - Added administrator-only "System Log" button to show recent log entries.
> Jules


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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