[ZendTo] Re: Upgrade to v4.00 and PHP

Julian Field Jules at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Apr 20 17:44:49 BST 2011

You need PHP 5.2 for the upload progress bar to work at all. To get uploads over 2GB working, you need to patch and recompile PHP (specifically libphp5.so) from source. There are full instructions on the ZendTo website that you can pretty much cut and paste. Every time you do an update that replaces the PHP binaries, you will need to patch PHP again. Fortunately that doesn't happen very often. :-)

There is no other solution to this until the authors of PHP fix the problem (caused by using 32-bit signed integers in places where they should at least be using unsigned integers, and preferably 64-bit ones!).

Do also remember that, particularly on Windows-based web browsers, a few of the common browsers have similar bugs in them stopping uploads over 2GB, unfortunately. But Macs are a lot better in this regard, Safari on a Mac is fine! :-)

I can work around bugs in PHP because we can get the source. I can't work around all the bugs in IE :-(

On 20 Apr 2011, at 04:55 PM, "Brad Beckenhauer" <bbecken at aafp.org> wrote:

> I re-checked the php.ini and my only found one difference
>    upload_max_filesize = 50G
> I changed to 50000M and restarted http.  I still get connection reset on the browser
> I also found that the /etc/php.d/apc.ini in Julians Centos-4 vm had two additional lines:
> apc.rfc1867=on
> apc.max_file_size=50G
> I diff'd my php.ini with the php.ini from the zendto-64-Centos vm and the only difference was the upload_max_filesize noted above.
> I restarted the httpd service and either get a connection reset or the below message:
> Request Entity Too Large
> The requested resource
> /dropoff.php
> does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.
> Do we know for sure that the PHP 5.2 packages allow files over 2GB?
> thanks
> >>> On 4/20/2011 at 10:24 AM, John Cooper <johnpcooper at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 20/04/11 15:56, Brad Beckenhauer wrote:
> > Hi John,
> > Since the default Centos vm from the zendto site does not use the 
> > iuscommunity.orgrepo, I also I had to add the below line (and switched 
> > to x86_64) before installing the ius-release package.
> > rpm -Uvh 
> > http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/5/x86_64/epel-release-1-1.ius.el5.noarch.rpm
> > I also noticed that the process removed the zendto package which I 
> > re-installed.
> > I'm still not able to upload files over 2GB.
> > Does the PHP 5.2 package from iuscommunity have support for files over 
> > 2GB?
> > thanks for your quick response.
> >
> The package is a noarch, so i386 and x86_64 are the same, but stored in 
> both directories. What do you have in your /etc/php.ini for
>     * allow_call_time_pass_reference = On
>     * max_execution_time = 7200
>     * max_input_time = 7200
>     * memory_limit = 300M
>     * display_errors = On
>     * post_max_size = 50000M
>     * upload_tmp_dir = /var/zendto/incoming
>     * upload_max_filesize = 50000M
> I have
> post_max_size = 5000M and upload_max_filesize = 5000M set (5GB)
> Any changes to php.ini requires
> service httpd reload
> to pick it up.
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