[ZendTo] Re: Upgrade to v4.00 and PHP
John Cooper
johnpcooper at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 20 15:13:49 BST 2011
On 20/04/11 14:11, Brad Beckenhauer wrote:
> I started using Zend.to using the Zendto/Centos 5.5 vm and I have the
> zend.to repository configured.
> I upgraded to Centos 5.6 and I ran the 'yum update zendto' command.
> It seemed to complete ok, and I did the edits in the zendto/config
> directory and testing looked fine.
> Yesterday a user tried to upload a 3GB iso and it failed, so I started
> looking for the cause.
> I noticed the wiki now shows PHP52, but the Centos 5.1 test vm is
> running version 5.16.
> Question. Is the 'yum update zendto' process suppose to update PHP
> or do I need to manually patch PHP as shown in the wiki?
It will not as PHP5.1 is installed and is the default for Centos 5. You
need to add the yum repo for 5.2, remove the current PHP 5.1 ones and
add the new 5.2.
yum remove php-pear php php-cli php-common php-devel php-gd php-mbstring
php-mcrypt php-mysql php-pdo php-soap php-xml php-xmlrpc php-bcmath
php-pecl-apc php-pecl-memcache php-ldap
WARNING: This will remove any dependency on php-common so you will have
to add any others back later
rpm -Uvh
yum install php52-pear php52 php52-cli php52-common php52-devel php52-gd
php52-mbstring php52-mcrypt php52-mysql php52-pdo php52-soap php52-xml
php52-xmlrpc php52-bcmath php52-pecl-apc php52-pecl-memcache php52-ldap
yum install ...all others removed before...
Update/check /etc/php.ini
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