[ZendTo] Re: My updates to Zendto site Centos install

John Cooper johnpcooper at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 10:16:32 BST 2011

On 19/04/11 09:39, Jules wrote:
> Please can you tell me what bits you have changed? A diff would be a lot
> more use than a complete copy of the document.
> Thanks!
> Jules.
Hi Jules, I've changed nearly every line so I don't think a diff would 
help. Mainly removed rpm where yum should be used, added 
mysql_secure_install to set the root password, mysql update to 
/opt/zendto/config/preferences.php (site version had incorrect 
opt/zendto/www/preferences.php path), replaced rpmforge with rpmfusion 

Just noticed missed export command at

cd /opt/zendto/bin
export ZENDTOPREFS=/opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
php adduser.php mcooper zendtopass2011 mcooper at uni.ac.uk 'M Cooper' 'My Uni'

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