[ZendTo] Re: My updates to Zendto site Centos install

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Apr 19 09:39:54 BST 2011

Please can you tell me what bits you have changed? A diff would be a lot 
more use than a complete copy of the document.


On 19/04/2011 09:34, John Cooper wrote:
> Installing ZendTo on CentOS 5.6
> The aim of this document is to provide brief notes so that an
> experienced system administrator can install ZendTo on an existing
> CentOS server.
> This assumes a brand new server only to be used for zendto
> yum -y install sendmail sendmail-cf httpd mod_ssl mysql mysql-server
> rpm-build vixie-cron crontabs logrotate yum-cron
> chkconfig mysqld on
> chkconfig httpd on
> chkconfig iptables off
> chkconfig ip6tables off
> service mysqld start
> mysql_secure_installation
> Set root password? [Y/n] y
> New password:
> Re-enter new password:
> Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
> Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
> Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
> Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
> rpm -Uvh
> http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/updates/testing/5/i386/rpmfusion-free-release-5-0.1.noarch.rpm
> http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/el/updates/testing/5/i386/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-5-0.1.noarch.rpm
> rpm -Uvh
> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
> rpm -Uvh
> http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/5/i386/ius-release-1.0-6.ius.el5.noarch.rpm
> Ensure php 5.1 is removed
>    yum remove php php-cli php-common php-imap php-pdo php-ldap php-mysql
> Install PHP 5.2 (5.3 is available but will give errors about timezone
> which are not fixed by adding timezone in php.ini)
>    yum install php52-pear php52 php52-cli php52-common php52-devel
> php52-gd php52-mbstring php52-mcrypt php52-mysql php52-pdo php52-soap
> php52-xml php52-xmlrpc php52-bcmath php52-pecl-apc php52-pecl-memcache
> php52-ldap
>    yum -y install libdbi lua-devel gettext lua ruby xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
> perl-rrdtool rrdtool clamav clamav-db clamd
>    service clamd start
>    chkconfig clamd on
>    freshclam
> Install zendto repo and packages
>    rpm -Uvh http://zend.to/files/zendto-repo.rpm
>    yum install zendto
> Build PHP
> This only applies to x86_64 (or x64 64-bit) systems, don't do this step
> on 32-bit x86 systems as you will achieve nothing. PHP as shipped has a
> limit of 2 Gbytes on the size of any upload, and we need to work round that.
> This is already documented here. http://zend.to/phpfix.php
> php.ini
> This is already documented here. http://zend.to/phpini.php
> Apache
> Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and set the following lines
> appropriately for your site:
> The name of your ZendTo website with ":80" added on the end
> ServerName
> DocumentRoot /var/www/html
> to
> DocumentRoot /opt/zendto/www
> Around line 307, should contain /opt/zendto/www between the quotes
> <Directory "/var/www/html">
> to
> <Directory "/opt/zendto/www">
> HostnameLookups on
> Set Permissions
>    usermod -a -G apache clam
> Configure SELinux
> You need to do one of (I will disable it)
>       * Configure SELinux to allow clamd access to everything in and
> under /var/zendto, or
>       * Disable SELinux altogether.
>         Edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux and change the setting to
>         SELINUX=disabled
> Setup Mail
> If you have direct internet access, you may not need to alter any
> settings and will just work for sending enails.
> Update /etc/mail/sendmail.mc as required. The only change required is to
> remove and "dnl" from the start of the line that defines "SMART_HOST"
> and set the value to the fully qualified name of your SMTP server or
> "smarthost". This must be configured to accept and deliver any mail from
> your ZendTo server, even if its "From" address is not in your domain.
> If you make changes, "cd /etc/mail&&  make" then "service sendmail restart"
> If you still cannot get mail to be delivered correctly, I have written a
> minimal sendmail.mc file which will work perfectly well for most people.
> Just read the file to see what to change for your organisation.
> Setup Database
> ZendTo requires a small back-end database to store all its information.
> On CentOS you have to use MySQL as SQLite is not available for PHP on
> CentOS or RedHat.
> Setting up the MySQL database can be done by creating an empty database,
> importing the table layout and granting the proper permissions to the
> zendto user. Here is an example of that procedure:
>    # mysql -uroot -p
>    mysql>  CREATE DATABASE zendto;
>    mysql>  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON zendto.* TO zendto at localhost
>       IDENTIFIED by 'zendpassword';
>    mysql>  quit
> where zendpassword is your own password
>    # mysql --user=zendto --password='zendpassword' zendto<
> /opt/zendto/sql/zendto.MySQL
> Update /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
>    define('SqlBackend', 'MySQL');
>    //define('SqlBackend', 'SQLite');
>    // Next 4 lines needed for MySQL operation
>    'MySQLhost'            =>  'localhost',
>    'MySQLuser'            =>  'zendto',
>    'MySQLpassword'        =>  'zendpassword<',
>    'MySQLdb'              =>  'zendto',
> If you are upgrading from a previous version of ZendTo and the database
> has changed, just do the last "mysql" command given above. It will not
> delete anything, don't worry; it will just add any new tables necessary.
> Reboot to ensure all services are started/stopped as necessary.
> Logon back on
>    # sestatus
>    SELinux status:                 disabled
>    # service iptables status
>    Firewall is stopped.
> And then try starting a web browser and going to
> http://your.site.here/about.php. That will trigger the creation of all
> the necessary database tables. Then try the website's home page at
> http://your.site.here.
> If it doesn't work, check your Apache logs in /var/log/httpd.
> Setup Logging
> cd /opt/zendto/sbin
> php rrdInit.php /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
> Ignore any "PHP Notice" output from that.
> Add a User
> cd /opt/zendto/bin
> php adduser.php mcooper zendtopass2011 mcooper at uni.ac.uk 'M Cooper' 'My Uni'
> If you have got this far, well done!
> Use the scripts in /opt/zendto/bin to add a new local user and list the
> users. All the scripts in there will show you their command-line syntax
> if you run them with no command-line parameters. It is worth setting
> ZENDTOPREFS as suggested.
> If you can now log in, you need to go and configure
> /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php and then
> /opt/zendto/config/zendto.conf. Those 2 files are pretty well commented.
> Beaware of these settings as they will need changing :-
>    'localIPSubnets'       =>  array('139.166.','152.78'),
>    'recaptchaPublicKey'   =>  '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111',
>    'recaptchaPrivateKey'  =>  '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111',
>    'authIMAPServer' =>  'mail.soton.ac.uk',
>    'authIMAPDomain' =>  'soton.ac.uk',
>    'defaultEmailDomain' =>  'soton.ac.uk',
>    'emailDomainRegexp' =>  '/^([a-zA-Z\.\-]+\.)?soton\.ac\.uk$/i',
>    'cookieSecret'      =>  '11111111111111111111111111111111',
> _______________________________________________
> ZendTo mailing list
> ZendTo at zend.to
> http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/zendto


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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