[ZendTo] Re: Upgrade to 4.0

Lance Haig lhaig at redarmour.co.uk
Mon Apr 18 14:32:24 BST 2011

Hi All,

I get this error after the upgrade

Warning: touch(): Utime failed: Permission denied in 
/opt/zendto/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_config.php on line 216

It is at the top of the new website (cool btw)

How do I make it go away?


On 18/04/2011 11:02, Jules wrote:
> On 18/04/2011 10:54, Lance Haig wrote:
>> Hi Jules,
>> I upgraded to the repo some time ago so the upgrade should be easier.
>> So all I have to do is copy the preferences.php and the zendto.conf 
>> and I should be ok?
> Yes, that's about it. And when updating the zendto.conf, remember that 
> the "CSSTheme" setting must now be "swish".
>> We have not changed the templates at all as this is still a new 
>> install and people are still getting used to the environment.
> Cool.
>> Lance
>> On 18/04/2011 09:15, Jules wrote:
>>> The best advice I can give you is to read the notes on the downloads 
>>> page for starters.
>>> I now have a Yum and an Apt repository (information about them is 
>>> linked from the dowloads page), so you can use those if you wish to 
>>> make life easier now and in the future.
>>> If you have customised the templates at all, move them out of the 
>>> way completely before you start as it will need to replace all of 
>>> those, along with any modifications you have made in www/css and 
>>> www/js (which you probably haven't changed).
>>> The install the new version and copy over your preferences.php 
>>> changes and zendto.conf changes (if you have changed either one).
>>> And be sure to make the zendto.conf setting "CSSTheme = swish" and 
>>> not the old "duracell" setting or whatever you were using.
>>> Then it should work.
>>> Sorry I haven't written a preferences.php upgrader, but the 
>>> structure of the file doesn't lend itself to an easy solution to 
>>> that problem, though I could do one for zendto.conf (which is a job 
>>> I will get onto).
>>> You may actually find that "upgrade_MailScanner_conf" will already 
>>> upgrade the zendto.conf file just nicely!
>>> The structure is close enough that it should work, something like
>>>     upgrade_MailScanner_conf zendto.conf zendto.conf.rpmnew > 
>>> zendto.conf.new
>>> should work.
>>> If you get stuck, do shout. If you can give me remote root access, 
>>> I'll be able to get in and sort out whatever has gone wrong for you.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jules.
>>> On 17/04/2011 21:14, Lance Haig wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> has the update process been simplified fro upgrading from 3.x to 4.0?
>>>> I would like to do the upgrade tonight.
>>>> I have a simple installation that does not have any AD integration.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Lance
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>> -----------------------------------
>> Lance Haig
>> Managing Director
>> Red Armour Ltd
>> 10 The Croft
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> Jules
> -- 
> Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
> www.Zend.To
> Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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> 'All programs have a desire to be useful' - Tron, 1982
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Lance Haig
Managing Director
Red Armour Ltd
10 The Croft
Welwyn Garden City

MOBILE: 07967967108

Web: Http://www.redarmour.co.uk

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