[ZendTo] Re: CVS import enhancement request and CVS not working as expected

Brad Beckenhauer bbecken at aafp.org
Mon Sep 27 15:27:43 BST 2010

Good Morning Jules,
Would you consider "Zendto CVS Recipient"?  My thoughts on including the word CVS is so that anyone who looks at the dropoff will immediately know that the recipient list was created by a CVS import (This is more for the Non-Admins users who never seem to read the help guides).

I'll be grateful with either wording you choose as it will be an improvement over the current implementation.


>>> On 9/24/2010 at 9:27 AM, in message <4C9CB53B.6090204 at Zend.To>, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:

Looks okay. I would just use "ZendTo Recipient" or similar instead of "CSV imported recipient".
Otherwise looks fine.

What wording would you like me to use in the next release?


On 24/09/2010 15:02, Brad Beckenhauer wrote: 
Julian, would you verify that this won't mess up something else on Zendto?

To remove "John Doe" name from being listed next to the cvs imported users email address I did the following.  

edit NSSDropoff.php

near line 1119:
      $recipients[] = array(( $recipName ? $recipName : "" ),$recipEmail);

If you want only the email address displayed:
change to:
              $recipients[] = array( "" ,$recipEmail);

or if you want some text next to the recipients email address:
              $recipients[] = array( "CSV imported recipient" ,$recipEmail);

Disclaimer, use at your own risk.


>>> On 9/14/2010 at 9:49 AM, in message <4C8F451A.BC51.0068.1 at aafp.org>, "Brad Beckenhauer" <bbecken at aafp.org> wrote:

There are two parts in this email.

1) Currently when using the cvs import file feature the First recipient's NAME is used to populate the NAME field for the users imported using the CVS file.


jdoe1 at yahoo.com
jdoe2 at yahoo.com
jdoe3 at yahoo.com
jdoe4 at yahoo.com

Summary Screen

Notice that the Name of the first recipient (not in the cvs file) is populating the name field of the users imported from the CVS file.

if the CVS import feature is used, do not populate the full name of the file sender with the email addresses in the cvs file or if a Name must be specified, then populate it with something generic.

2) CVS not working as expected:  the Zendto Help say that "A plain text file with a single email address per line".

If you have a cvs file with multiple email address separated by a comma, both email addresses are extracted from the single line (jdoe1 & jdoe11 AND jdoe2 is also extracted.  The below cvs file would add three recipients (not including the first listed recipient).

example cvs file:
jdoe1 at yahoo.com, jdoe11 at yahoo.com
jdoe2 at yahoo.com

This could be addressed by either changing the text presented to the sender or changing the Zendto code to match what the text says.

Another interesting observation, one of our tech exported a cvs list from our Lyris ListManager and the cvs had many comma delimited fields.  They where able to import the cvs without modification which tells me that the cvs import function is scanning the cvs for email addresses and grabbing them.  That could be a good/bad thing if the cvs had multiple email addresses for a single contact on a single row (such as for primary email contact and secondary email contact), and a dropoff would result in the recipient receiving two notifications, one to their primary email address and the second to their secondary contacts.  Just pointing this out so others are aware.


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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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