[ZendTo] feature request/suggestion

Naz Snidanko nsnidanko at harperpowerproducts.com
Mon Sep 13 13:51:01 BST 2010

Hi Jules,


It would be nice to have address book, which contains email addresses of
LDAP/AD users. What I have in mind:


Create crontab script, which pulls Display Name and default email
address from AD and generates txt file in the following format Display
Name,email address. 

Than when "internal" user goes to create drop-off he can lookup email
address based on name match in the "2. Information about the Recipient".


Please let me know what you guys think.


Thank you,

Naz Snidanko

Desktop & Network Support

Harper Power Products Inc.

(p) 416 201- 7506

nsnidanko at harperpowerproducts.com

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