[ZendTo] Browser downloads file instead of showing Zendto webpage

Adam Thorn alt36 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Aug 15 21:06:36 BST 2024

On 15/08/2024 20:25, Jose M. Sanchez via ZendTo wrote:
> More info
> At this point I have the https://servername <https://servername> working 
> properly and I do see the Zendto Page (YEAH) after I followed 
> instructions on another site to install the following
> |sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql|
> ||
> |And restarting Apache2|
> However http://servername <http://servername> still results in the 
> download file so the redirection is now the issue.

I've just run the zendto installer on a bookworm docker container. One 
of the questions asked if I wanted to redirect http to https; I chose 
yes because that's usually the best configuration. How did you answer 
that question?

Having said "yes", my plain http requests are redirected to https as I'd 

$ curl -k -I http://localhost:8080/
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://localhost:8080/

If you said yes to that installer question, check 
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ ; there ought to be exactly two files (well, 
they'll be symbolic links to /etc/apache2/sites-available/), named 
001-zendto-ssl.conf and 001-zendto.conf.


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