[ZendTo] Recaptcha not showing + China

Kris Lou klou at themusiclink.net
Thu Mar 16 00:12:22 GMT 2023

Looking into this a little further (also to play around with Turnstile),
I'm noticing the following:

# grep -R siteverify *
ReCaptcha/ReCaptcha.php:     * Calls the reCAPTCHA siteverify API to verify
whether the user passes
ReCaptcha/RequestMethod/CurlPost.php:    const SITE_VERIFY_URL = '
ReCaptcha/RequestMethod/Post.php:    const SITE_VERIFY_URL = '
ReCaptcha/RequestMethod/SocketPost.php:    const SITE_VERIFY_PATH =

Are Post.php and SocketPost.php supposed to reference the google.com path,
or the recaptcha.net URLs?
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