[ZendTo] [Data migration from old installation]

Peter Zillmann Peter.Zillmann at kzoo.edu
Wed Jul 12 22:22:13 BST 2023

A few years ago Greg Clarke suggested a ZendTo server migration method using an alternate DNS name during a transition period (described here: http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/pipermail/zendto/2018-March/003161.html). One step Greg mentioned was to change the pickup URL delivered in the pickup notices.

Could anyone suggest the best way to change this URL in the pickup notices? I see that I can change the serverRoot in preferences.php, but I suspect doing so would break other things.

Would it make sense to hard-code the URL in dropoff_email_html.tpl and dropoff_email.tpl? Are there other places I should change it? I looked in request_email_html.tpl and request_email.tpl and they don’t seem to be laid out the same way.

Caveat: PHP is not my first language.


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