[ZendTo] New GDPR cookie Policy

jules at zend.to jules at zend.to
Fri Jan 7 11:23:57 GMT 2022

The only cookies that ZendTo uses are strictly functional ones, there 
aren't any categories to agree to. Because they're strictly functional, 
I'm not sure you're duty bound to even have to tell the users much about 
them. If you decline the cookies, ZendTo simply won't work. But I'm sure 
someone who's actually read all the info about it will be able to 
correct me.


On 03/01/2022 13:46, Stefano Fiori via ZendTo wrote:
> Hi, new GDPR specifications concerning cookie utilizations inside a 
> web site, will take place from 10th of January 2022.
> Looking to other sites there is a special grid to allow or disallow 
> some cookie utilization.
> In preferences.php we find:
>  // If you are in the EU, you really should show a consent box to
>   // ensure the user understands that the site is (1) storing a cookie
>   // (albeit only a session cookie), and (2) will store their email 
> address
>   // and name in order to talk to the sender/recipients of the drop-off.
>   // This is for EU GDPR purposes.
>   'cookieGDPRConsent'    => TRUE,
> When enabled it gives in the main page a simple information about the 
> cookie utilizations.
> Empowering the cookie request is a subject that is already arised to 
> the attention of anyone ?
> Thank you a lot.
> Bye.
> Stefano Fiori
> U.O. Organizzazione ed I.T.
> Banca Agricola Commerciale Istituto Bancario Sammarinese S.p.A.
> Email: stefano.fiori at bac.sm
> TEL:    0549871299
> Mobile: 3391361639
> From other country
> TEL:    +378871299
> Mobile: +393391361639
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ulteriori richieste è possibile rivolgersi al Titolare del trattamento 
> (Banca Agricola Commerciale SpA con sede legale in Via Tre Settembre, 
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> Grazie per la collaborazione.
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> pursuant to Article 13 of RSM Law no. 171/2018 and to Article 13 of UE 
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> relationship.A full copy of the disclosure can be viewed at our sites, 
> by sending an e-mail to privacy at bac.sm or by consulting the 'Privacy 
> Policy' section in the Bank website, available at the following link: 
> https://www.bac.sm/privacy-policy/.For further inquiries, please 
> contact the Data Controller (Banca Agricola Commerciale SpA with 
> registered office in Via Tre Settembre, 316 47891 Dogana).It is also 
> possible to contact the Data Protection Officer (privacy at bac.sm).
> Thank you for your cooperation.
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