[ZendTo] Not use before?

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Fri May 28 09:27:16 BST 2021

You might need to clear the cache of compiled templates:
    sudo rm -f /var/zendto/templates_c/*php


On 28/05/2021 08:53, Massimo Forni wrote:
> Hello Jules,
> So sorry for the late reply.
> I applied your fix, but the issue persists.
> The target of the request need to wait 60 minutes to start dropping 
> the files
> Than k you
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Jules <Jules at Zend.To>
> *Sent:* Monday, May 17, 2021 13:25
> *To:* ZendTo Users <zendto at zend.to>
> *Cc:* Massimo Forni <Massimo.Forni at turboden.it>
> *Subject:* Re: [ZendTo] Not use before?
> Â
> Hi Massimo,
> Yes, you're absolutely right. I was trying to solve the problem of the 
> user creating the request being East of the server's timezone, and 
> accidentally created a problem if the user is West of the server's 
> timezone.
> The simple fix to this, if you want to patch your server manually, is 
> to edit
>     /opt/zendto/templates/request.tpl
> and change line 310 from
>     minDate: 0, // Disallow dates in the past
> to
>     minDate: -1, // Start at yesterday to avoid timezone problems
> That should be the only change required.
> This fix will be in the next release.
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 11/05/2021 11:13, Massimo Forni via ZendTo wrote:
>> I see in the "reqtable" there is a column "Start" with a timestamp 
>> that is set to the date+time of the locale of the end user
>> In this case it has been set to 1620728545 which is at 10:22:25 UTC
>> The user created the request at 12:22:xx of his local time (09:22:xx UTC)
>> I suspect there is some timezone miss-calculation somewhere
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* ZendTo <zendto-bounces at zend.to> 
>> <mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to> on behalf of Massimo Forni via ZendTo 
>> <zendto at zend.to> <mailto:zendto at zend.to>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 11, 2021 11:47
>> *To:* zendto at zend.to <mailto:zendto at zend.to> <zendto at zend.to> 
>> <mailto:zendto at zend.to>
>> *Cc:* Massimo Forni <Massimo.Forni at turboden.it> 
>> <mailto:Massimo.Forni at turboden.it>
>> *Subject:* [ZendTo] Not use before?
>> Â
>> Hello,
>> I have some strange issue with the latest build.
>> If a user with a different timezone (ahead of mine, in this case 1 
>> hour) uses the "Request a Drop-off" and I click on the link I am 
>> presented the following error:
>> Could it be that when zendto generates the link for the request it 
>> sets a "not use before" field with the users local time?
>> --
>> *Massimo Forni*
>> ICT Manager
>> Mobile: +393474110278
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *Turboden S.p.A.* *I* via Cernaia 10 *I* 25124 Brescia *I* Italy
>> t. +39 030 3552001 *I* f. +39 030 3552011
>> www.turboden.com <http://www.turboden.com>
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>> unlawful.
>> --
>> *Massimo Forni*
>> ICT Manager
>> Mobile: +393474110278
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *Turboden S.p.A.* *I* via Cernaia 10 *I* 25124 Brescia *I* Italy
>> t. +39 030 3552001 *I* f. +39 030 3552011
>> www.turboden.com <http://www.turboden.com>
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> Jules
> -- 
> 'When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember
>   that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.' - Louis Nizer
> www.Zend.To [zend.to]  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.Zend.To__;!!BYEqwblc0Q!jJ-PNPBCRrKruQLSwhw7QdEoMTRf5moZ70YUCLzAVrQkg_O8idHQGGykw2Qm1xa_UFyICw$>
> Twitter: @JulesFM
> --
> *Massimo Forni*
> ICT Manager
> Mobile: +393474110278
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Turboden S.p.A.* *I* via Cernaia 10 *I* 25124 Brescia *I* Italy
> t. +39 030 3552001 *I* f. +39 030 3552011
> www.turboden.com <http://www.turboden.com>
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'When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember
  that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.' - Louis Nizer

Twitter: @JulesFM
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