[ZendTo] SAML displayName attribute and Google

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Feb 25 12:20:38 GMT 2021


I have just published a new beta, 6.08-6, which should include the 
feature you need.


On Wed 24/02/21 14:29, Didier METRAL wrote:
> Thanks a lot.
> I'll wait for the next beta ;)
> Didier Métral
> Le mer. 24 févr. 2021 à 13:19, Jules <Jules at zend.to 
> <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> a écrit :
>     Didier,
>     I've made the syntax a little bit more clever, in that the spaces
>     either side of the "+" are optional, it will just ignore any
>     whitespace either side of any "+". And just like with the normal
>     attribute values any text that isn't a valid attribute name will
>     just be inserted as is (like 'My company' is in your example.
>     So theoretically you could have
>        'displayName' => 'fname + lname + (user)',
>     And it would show displayName to be 'Didier Metral (user)'.
>     Why you might want to do that, not a clue. And you probably don't
>     want to. But you can... :)
>     I've just tested it, and my code appears to work nicely.
>     This will be in the next beta release for you.
>     So then you'll be able to use
>       'samlAttributesMap' => array(
>         'mail' => 'mail',
>         'uid' => 'uid',
>     *    'displayName' => 'fname+lname',*
>         'organization' => 'My company'),
>     and it should work how you expect.
>     Cheers,
>     Jules.
>     On Wed 24/02/21 11:19, Didier METRAL wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     In Google we must set attribute mapping so we can send the good
>>     name for attribute.
>>     Here is the mapping we set in Google :
>>     image.png
>>     Here is the extract of the  preferences.php  file :
>>       'samlAttributesMap' => array(
>>         'mail' => 'mail',
>>         'uid' => 'uid',
>>         'displayName' => 'fname',
>>         'organization' => 'My company'),
>>     If we could use a syntaxe like " 'fname + lname'" it should be OK
>>     (must have a space between fname and lname ;) )Â
>>     Regards,
>>     --
>>     Didier Métral
>>     Le mer. 24 févr. 2021 à 11:03, Jules <Jules at zend.to
>>     <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> a écrit :
>>         Hi Didier,
>>         Please can you send me exactly what your preferences.php
>>         setting for 'samlAttributesMap' looks like at the moment?
>>         I don't know what the Google attributes map would look like,
>>         so would like to see the syntax to ensure that whatever
>>         solution I end up with does actually work with Google!
>>         And what are the "right-hand-side" values in that map that
>>         would give you the first name and last name?
>>         I'm thinking of a syntax where you could put something like
>>         'displayName' =>
>>         'http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/forename
>>         <http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/forename> +
>>         http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/familyname
>>         <http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/familyname>',
>>         in the map. Then my code would concatenate the 2 with a
>>         single space in between.
>>         Would that work as a solution?
>>         Cheers,
>>         Jules.
>>         On Tue 23/02/21 15:06, Didier METRAL via ZendTo wrote:
>>>         Hello,
>>>         We just installed ZendTo in my company but we're facing a
>>>         "problem" : We can't set displayName
>>>         We are using Google for SAML authentification and Google can
>>>         send user first name and last name but not in one attribute.
>>>         The only attributes we can set in SamlAttributesMap are
>>>         mail, uid displayName and Organization.
>>>         Is there a way to use First Name and Last Name to generate
>>>         displayName ?
>>>         Regards,
>>>         *Didier METRAL*
>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>         ZendTo mailing list
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>>         Jules
>>         -- 
>>         Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>>         'Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you
>>           to keep your mouth shut.' - Ernest Hemingway
>>         www.Zend.To  <http://www.Zend.To>
>>         Twitter: @JulesFM
>     Jules
>     -- 
>     Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>     'Is the Holocaust an aberration, or a reflection of who we really are?'
>       - Holocaust Museum, Berlin
>     www.Zend.To  <http://www.Zend.To>
>     Twitter: @JulesFM



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Twitter: @JulesFM
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