[ZendTo] LOG4J Vulnerability
Massimo Forni
Massimo.Forni at turboden.it
Mon Dec 13 12:33:25 GMT 2021
Zendto is written in php not java, so no log4j
From: ZendTo <zendto-bounces at zend.to> on behalf of Stefano Fiori via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 1:17:32 PM
To: zendto at zend.to <zendto at zend.to>
Cc: Stefano Fiori <stefano.fiori at bac.sm>
Subject: [ZendTo] LOG4J Vulnerability
Hi, probabily off topics.... and I really hope this.
I know the technology involved in Zend.to should be very different, but I would like to ask anyway.
Is there the LOG4J component integrated someway in the zend.to appliance ?
Thank you a lot for everything.
Stefano Fiori
U.O. Organizzazione ed I.T.
Banca Agricola Commerciale Istituto Bancario Sammarinese S.p.A.
Email: stefano.fiori at bac.sm
TEL: 0549871299
Mobile: 3391361639
>From other country
TEL: +378871299
Mobile: +393391361639
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Grazie per la collaborazione.
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Thank you for your cooperation.
Massimo Forni
ICT Manager
Mobile: +393474110278
Turboden S.p.A. I via Cernaia 10 I 25124 Brescia I Italy
t. +39 030 3552001 I f. +39 030 3552011
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