[ZendTo] Automation

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed Sep 30 16:47:55 BST 2020


I have just released a new beta release 6.06-1 which should fix all the 
autorequest problems you were having.
You can now also set the --startdatetime.
And you can --sendemail too (which by default it doesn't as you probably 
want to do that in some other software; the link you need to send is in 
the JSON output).

Please can you give it a try and let me know how you get on.


On 24/09/2020 13:31, Davide Bozzelli via ZendTo wrote:
> Hi
> I'm playing aroung the automation script.
> Version is "zendto-6.05-4.noarch" centos 7.
> When i try to run something like:
> /opt/zendto/bin/autorequest --expirydatetime '2030-10-10 10:10:00'
> --username 'myuser' --password 'mypass' --sendername 'myname'
> --senderemail 'me at me.it' --senderorg 'me spa' --subject 'Request for 
> files' --note 'Please send me the log files we discussed'
> --recipientname 'me ' --recipientemail 'me at gmail.com' https://my.zend.to/
> I receive: {"status":"error","error":"request error: The end time you 
> set has already passed.
> Even if I don't specify the expire time
> Thx
> 	*Davide Bozzelli*
> IT Architect
> davide.bozzelli at gci.it <mailto:davide.bozzelli at gci.it>
> +39 02 90092830
> www.gci.it 		General Computer Italia S.p.A. 		Via Milano 11 (S.P. 105) 
> - 20084 Lacchiarella (MI) 	 
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/general-computer-italia/> 
> <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC3NHFBcmHJpQqhB4E98HFg>
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'There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and
  lets the future in.' - Graham Greene

Twitter: @JulesFM

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