[ZendTo] AutoPickUp

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu May 28 14:28:59 BST 2020


I have just released another beta of ZendTo, 5.24-11.
This includes the "autolist" command you wanted.
I have also added some more documentation about the automation scripts, 
which is at
which will give you some examples of how to use the commands.


On 27/05/2020 09:30, Jules via ZendTo wrote:
> Sean,
> Would another "autolist" script that dumped the details of every 
> single drop-off in the system, as 1 big JSON structure, do what you need?
> Then you can use your own code to search the data for the drop-offs 
> you're looking for, get the ClaimID and Passcode of the relevant ones, 
> then use "autopickup" to download them.
> Having that script exist at all is risky, in my view, as it gives 
> anyone who gets access to it "the keys to the castle vault". But then 
> again if, like most people, you're using SQLite3 then it's just saving 
> a hacker the step of working out how the DB schema works. Which would 
> take someone competent about 10 minutes. It's very simple and obvious.
> Let me know if that would be a good solution for you.
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 26/05/2020 21:32, Cole, Sean wrote:
>> We are basically looking to have our students drop documents off 
>> and don't want the staff to have to go to their email click on the 
>> link to ZendTo, then download the file, then place it in the folder 
>> where it has to go.  We want o have an automated process to check for 
>> any documents a student may have dropped off every 10 minutes.  Pick 
>> them up and put them in the necessary folder on the server.
>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>> Sean Cole
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Cole, Sean
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 26, 2020 1:56 PM
>> *To:* Jules; ZendTo Users
>> *Subject:* Re: [ZendTo] AutoPickUp
>> Each Drop-off has a different claimID and passcode so if you have 10 
>> drop-offs how can you automate the pickup if you don't have the 
>> unique claimID and passcode for each of the 10 drop-offs?
>> Thanks Again for you help,
>> Sean Cole
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Jules <Jules at Zend.To>
>> *Sent:* Saturday, May 23, 2020 5:41 AM
>> *To:* ZendTo Users
>> *Cc:* Cole, Sean
>> *Subject:* Re: [ZendTo] AutoPickUp
>> Sean,
>> Before using any of the scripts, you need to create a user that will 
>> be only used for driving the automation scripts of ZendTo. Don't use 
>> a real user's account, create one just for the purpose.
>> Put that username in the 'automationUsers' setting in preferences.php.
>> For this example, let's set a few things:
>> - The automation user is going to have the username "robot" with a 
>> password of "machines".
>> - The claimID and passcode of the drop-off will be "aaaClaimIDaaa" 
>> and "bbbPasscodebbb".
>> - The address of your ZendTo site will be 
>> "https://your-zendto-site.com/". The site address always goes at the 
>> very end of the command, after all the other options.
>> To see the command-line usage:
>>     /opt/zendto/bin/autopickup --help
>> Fetch information about the drop-off, without downloading anything:
>>     /opt/zendto/bin/autopickup --username "robot" --password 
>> "machines" --claimid "aaaClaimIDaaa" --passcode "bbbPasscodebbb" 
>> --list --nofiles https://your-zendto-site.com/
>> Fetch all the files in the drop-off to the current directory, 
>> verifying their checksums, and logging that they were picked up by 
>> "user at yourdomain.com":
>>     /opt/zendto/bin/autopickup --username "robot" --password 
>> "machines" --claimid "aaaClaimIDaaa" --passcode "bbbPasscodebbb" 
>> --checksum --pickedupby 
>> "user at yourdomain.com"https://your-zendto-site.com/
>> Fetch all the files in the drop-off to the directory 
>> "/var/tmp/downloads", not bothering with checksums or logging who did it:
>>     /opt/zendto/bin/autopickup --username "robot" --password 
>> "machines" --claimid "aaaClaimIDaaa" --passcode "bbbPasscodebbb" 
>> --output "/var/tmp/downloads"https://your-zendto-site.com/
>> The output of the "--list --nofiles" command above will give you a 
>> unique "fileid" number for each of the files in the drop-off. So 
>> let's download file number 123, verify its checksum and save it to 
>> the file "~/Downloads/my-picked-up-file":
>>     /opt/zendto/bin/autopickup --username "robot" --password 
>> "machines" --claimid "aaaClaimIDaaa" --passcode "bbbPasscodebbb" 
>> --file 123 --checksum --output 
>> "~/Downloads/my-picked-up-file"https://your-zendto-site.com/
>> If you are using a locally-signed SSL certificate on your ZendTo 
>> server, you may need to add the option
>>     --insecure
>> to all of the above examples.
>> To see the "curl" command it creates, which is what does all the 
>> work, but not actually run anything, add the option
>>     --debug
>> to any of the above examples.
>> Does that help?
>> The point of me using "curl" is that all the script really does is 
>> create all the parameters for an HTTP POST request to your ZendTo 
>> server, and then pull out the JSON results from the right header in 
>> the returned data. The "--debug" option will help you understand what 
>> it's doing.
>> Once you have played with it a bit, take a look how the script works 
>> (90% is just parsing the command-line!) and you will see how you 
>> could use a .Net http request to achieve the same result with your 
>> own code running on a Windows server.
>> Cheers,
>> Jules.
>> On 22/05/2020 20:25, Cole, Sean via ZendTo wrote:
>>> ​Is anyone using the AutoPickUp Script?  Any documentation on the 
>>> use of the script or examples. Trying to move the files 
>>> uploaded from the ZendTo server to a Windows server.
>>> Regards,
>>> *Sean Cole*
>>> Mgr. Network Services
>>> SeanCole at sunywcc.edu <mailto:SeanCole at sunywcc.edu>
>>> 914-606-6923
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>> Jules
>> -- 
>> Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
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>> www.Zend.To
>> Twitter: @JulesFM
> Jules
> -- 
> 'Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability,
>   which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended.'
>   - Alfred North Whitehead
> www.Zend.To
> Twitter: @JulesFM
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'Do not go gentle into that good night,
  Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
  Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
  Because their words had forked no lightning they
  Do not go gentle into that good night.
  Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
  Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
  Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
  And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
  Do not go gentle into that good night.
  Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
  Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
  Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  And you, my father, there on the sad height,
  Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
  Do not go gentle into that good night.
  Rage, rage against the dying of the light.'
                           - Dylan Thomas

Twitter: @JulesFM

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