[ZendTo] New beta including file "chunking"

Massimo Forni Massimo.Forni at turboden.it
Wed May 13 11:38:33 BST 2020

Way to go Jules!
Thank you!

From: ZendTo <zendto-bounces at zend.to> On Behalf Of Jules via ZendTo
Sent: mercoledì 13 maggio 2020 11:23
To: zendto at zend.to
Cc: Jules <Jules at Zend.To>
Subject: [ZendTo] New beta including file "chunking"

Do you have a reverse proxy server?
A network security appliance?
Using the free tier of service from Cloudflare?

If so, you have probably found that drop-offs above a certain fixed size always fail to upload to your ZendTo server.

Well, with the latest beta ZendTo can automatically break the upload into "chunks" that are small enough to get through your bottleneck. The end users won't notice any difference at all, except that they can now successfully drop-off files much bigger than they could before.

The maximum size of each chunk is set by a new preferences.php setting 'uploadChunkSize', which should be set slightly less than the maximum limit imposed by your bottleneck. You will quickly find the biggest value that works for your site.

There is more information at https://zend.to/beta.php<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/zend.to/beta.php__;!!BYEqwblc0Q!iiR4l4o5IlogoEDzCuCjbVdmgqwjjoBC3lrvWb8IF-SlX97_BDkrun_CJLZVJh8gs58KRQ$> and in the comments just above the setting in preferences.php.
Just be sure to run /opt/zendto/bin/upgrade before looking for the new setting.

I would be enormously grateful if people could test this new feature and let me know if it works or not!





The current UK shipping forecast:

Portland, Plymouth, North Biscay: Northeasterly 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later.

Moderate or rough. Fair. Good.


Twitter: @JulesFM


Massimo Forni
ICT Infrastructure Manager

Mobile: +393474110278


Turboden S.p.A. I via Cernaia 10 I 25124 Brescia I Italy
t. +39 030 3552001 I f. +39 030 3552011

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