[ZendTo] Admin user account disable

Jules Field Jules at Zend.To
Wed Mar 4 10:07:13 GMT 2020


My mistake, sorry.
The setting is called 'authAdmins'. So you want to change that line in 
preferences.php to
     'authAdmins' => array(),

Don't forget the trailing comma on the end!


On 04/03/2020 04:15, Rahul Kumar wrote:
> Hi Jules,
> Thanks for sharing the advise, i would like to go for it but for the 
> moment i need first to disable the admin login.
> when i checked the config files, there is no such settings for  
> "adminUsers" , could you please suggest what i can do next.
> Thanks,
> Rahul
> Thanks,
> Rahul Kumar
> Contact(M): 9958664330
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 5:25 PM Jules Field <Jules at zend.to 
> <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> wrote:
>     Rahul,
>     I would strongly advise that you build a new server/VM running the
>     latest version of ZendTo. There are a lot of new features and
>     improvements that your users might well want to use.
>     But to answer your question, look in preferences.php. There is a
>     setting called "adminUsers". Set that to
>         'adminUsers' => array(),
>     and that will mean you have no ZendTo administrators. Everything
>     should work fine like that. You will just need to temporarily add
>     whatever username is an administrator when you need to carry out
>     any admin tasks such as looking at the global list of drop-offs,
>     or unlocking users who have been locked out for having failed to
>     many username/password checks in a row.
>     Cheers,
>     Jules.
>     On 03/03/2020 05:21, Rahul Kumar via ZendTo wrote:
>>     Hi ,
>>     i have zendto Version 4.11  running but i want to disable the
>>     Admin user account as it is a security issue for us. we already
>>     authenticating users through ldap.
>>     could someone please help in this ?
>>     Thanks,
>>     Rahul Kumar
>>     Contact(M): 9958664330
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     ZendTo mailing list
>>     ZendTo at zend.to  <mailto:ZendTo at zend.to>
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>     Jules
>     -- 
>     Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>     The current UK shipping forecast:
>     Tyne, Dogger: East or southeast, veering west 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe
>     gale 9 for a time. Moderate or rough, occasionally very rough in Dogger. Rain,
>     then wintry showers. Moderate or poor, occasionally good later.
>     www.Zend.To  <http://www.Zend.To>
>     Twitter: @JulesFM



The current UK shipping forecast:
Tyne, Dogger: East or southeast, veering west 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe
gale 9 for a time. Moderate or rough, occasionally very rough in Dogger. Rain,
then wintry showers. Moderate or poor, occasionally good later.

Twitter: @JulesFM

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