[ZendTo] Quietly not encrypting in V6

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Jun 9 11:03:37 BST 2020


I have just released 6.01-2 in which this occurrence now causes ZendTo 
to reject the upload attempt, with an error to the user and an error 
written to the log.

I have just upgraded my own (University of Southampton "SafeSend") 
service to the new version and all appears to be working fine.

Hopefully we can consider this one "closed".


On 08/06/2020 18:31, John Thurston via ZendTo wrote:
> Jules, we've been beating on this. We are unable to reproduce the 
> failure, regardless of how we twist or hold our tongues. It is in the 
> log, so it happened once. We just can't make it happen again.
> If it never occurs again, that's fine.
> If it does occur and blocks, that's fine too.
> re: your earlier questions (GMT -9 here)
> + We're using sqlite3
> + /opt/zendto/sbin/cleanup.php produced nothing of interest.
> + 'dropoff' table schema contains "lifeseconds"
>    and "senderIP" is varchar(256)
> + I did generate a new cookieSecret, but that was done in the days 
> prior to performing the test which failed. I don't think it's related, 
> but if we need an explanation on which to hang our hat, that might be 
> the only thing we have.
> -- 
> Do things because you should, not just because you can.
> John Thurston    907-465-8591
> John.Thurston at alaska.gov
> Department of Administration
> State of Alaska
> On 6/6/2020 5:03 AM, Jules wrote:
>> Can anyone reproduce this?
>> The only way you can reach the bit of code that generates the log 
>> message is if there is a form input called "req" which is used to 
>> hold the 9-digit number (or string of 3 words) that make up the 
>> request code. And "req" must have a non-empty value.
>> Unless you're responding to a request, this form input is always empty.
>> John — One final question: During the upgrade, did it tell you to 
>> generate a better cookieSecret? And did you do so? Changing the 
>> cookieSecret while it is in use can also break things for users who 
>> happen to be logged in and interacting with the website at the time 
>> you change cookieSecret.
>> On 05/06/2020 19:53, John Thurston via ZendTo wrote:
>>> I'm looking at moving from V5 to V6. During testing, we turned up 
>>> interesting behavior.
>>> While creating a drop-off, the authenticated customer was prompted 
>>> for a passphrase. This was entered and accepted. Checksum was also 
>>> requested.
>>> When the upload was complete, the 'Outbox' showed the files with an 
>>> "X" in the encrypted column. When later performing the pickup, no 
>>> passphrase was requested.
>>> When I later looked in the logs, I found:
>>>> Error: Should be encrypting files but failed to read the 
>>>> passphrase, so not encrypting. If this drop-off came from a 
>>>> request, the encoded passphrase in the request got corrupted!
>>> which I traced to line 2531 of NSSDropoff.php
>>> which is preceded with the comment block
>>>> // If we got the encryption passphrase from a request, but failed to
>>>> // be able to read it, the user won't have been prompted to enter one.
>>>> // So we have no way of finding it! So if that failed, don't encrypt
>>>> // at all.
>>> But this drop/pickup didn't originate with a 'request'. It was done 
>>> by an interactive, authenticated user. The user requested 
>>> encryption, supplied the phrase, and the application seems to have 
>>> quietly failed to encrypt an otherwise acceptable (not too large) file.
>>> I'm unable to reproduce this failure.
>>> If the customer asks to encrypt an over-sized file, it is plainly 
>>> refused. If encryption has been requested and can't be done for some 
>>> other reason, shouldn't that be a blocking-situation?
>> Jules
>> -- 
>> Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>> 'It's very unlikely indeed he will ever recover consciousness, and
>>   if he does he won't be the Julian you knew.'
>>    - A hospital consultant I proved very wrong in 2007 :-)
>> www.Zend.To
>> Twitter: @JulesFM
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Twitter: @JulesFM

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