[ZendTo] Failed Drop Off: you cannot drop-off directories; only files

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Jul 23 13:54:11 BST 2020


How much RAM does your ZendTo server have?

Were you trying to encrypt that drop-off? The encryption needs a fair 
bit of RAM (extra 1GB or so).

If you are running with a total of less than about 3GB RAM on the 
server, I would try increasing it to at least that.

And yes, capturing the browser information sounds like a good idea. 
There will be a corresponding entry in your Apache logs, but adding it 
to the ZendTo log as well would save a lot of cross-checking.


On 23/07/2020 13:46, Marlon Deerr wrote:
> Yes, it was happening even when I tried a different file. The funny 
> thing is, I tried again a little later and then it worked AND this was 
> with the same file I was trying to drop off. The only variable I 
> believed changed was the web browser I was using.  Tested again this 
> morning and all seems to be fine now. I am not at the computer I was 
> using previously so I’ll need to circle back and perform some more 
> tests on that computer to see if I can recreate the problem.
> I’m curious though…your logs record the when and from what IP the 
> drop-off was made. For a future version, any chance you can also 
> capture the browser (and its version)  that was used at the time of 
> drop-off?
> Marlon Deerr, Technology Manager
> 416-572-8795(direct) | MDeerr at hshlawyers.com 
> <mailto:MDeerr at hshlawyers.com>
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> This Howie Sacks & Henry e-mail is privileged, confidential and 
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> *From:* Jules [mailto:Jules at Zend.To]
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 23, 2020 7:56 AM
> *To:* ZendTo Users <zendto at zend.to>
> *Cc:* Marlon Deerr <MDeerr at hshlawyers.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [ZendTo] Failed Drop Off: you cannot drop-off 
> directories; only files
> Does it work if you do the exact same steps with a different file?
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 22/07/2020 20:45, Marlon Deerr via ZendTo wrote:
>     Anyone know why I am getting this.  I am trying to drop-off a PDF
>     document. I used both the drag’n drop option and also the file
>     browsing option to select the file itself but in both cases, it fails.
>     I’ve tried several different files without success.
>     _______________________________________________
>     ZendTo mailing list
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> Jules
> -- 
> How to stop time: kiss.
> How to travel in time: read.
> How to escape time: music.
> How to feel time: write.
> How to release time: breathe.
> www.Zend.To  <http://www.Zend.To>
> Twitter: @JulesFM



'Probability factor of one to one. We have normality. I repeat, we
  have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore
  your own problem.' - Trillian, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Twitter: @JulesFM

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