[ZendTo] Reminder email sent to wrong recipients

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed Jul 15 13:34:14 BST 2020

Ricky, Mark and others,

I have just fixed this bug, and will put out a new release this afternoon.
I need some food first...

I would advise all users running version 6 to upgrade as soon as possible.


On 13/07/2020 17:32, Ricky Boone via ZendTo wrote:
> I'm looking into an issue that was reported to me this morning.  What 
> appears to have happened was that reminder emails for a drop-off were 
> sent, and the log indicates that multiple internal recipients were 
> sent reminders, but the emails they received were for someone else's 
> dropoff. Specifically, the log indicates they were notified about 
> dropoffs ABC and DEF, but the email they received included dropoff 
> details for XYZ.  The logs do not indicate anything related to XYZ was 
> sent to these recipients, but I do have a sample email from one of the 
> incorrect recipients that indicates they did.  The system logs 
> indicate that ZendTo was updated the day before, however the upgrade 
> script did not kick off.  Nothing in the logs indicate an issue with 
> the notification script running.  The system in question is running 
> CentOS 7.
> The instance uses a MariaDB backend instead of SQLite (used SQLite 
> before, ran into an unrelated corruption issue that made it difficult 
> to troubleshoot, so hard-cut over to a MariaDB backend during low 
> usage).  I confirmed the related IDs do not include the recipients in 
> question.
> This is the first time I've seen this, so I'm not sure it was due to 
> the upgrade step not being completed (though that should only impact 
> configuration settings, not DB schema, etc.).  I'm not sure how I 
> would be able to reproduce this yet, but I'm suspecting a value for 
> one drop-off was inadvertently reused before it was cleared and 
> updated with the correct value.  For now, I just wanted to ping the 
> mailing list to see if they've seen similar, or to at least alert 
> Jules to a possible bug that may need additional research. When I get 
> a chance today I'm going to check through some of the related scripts 
> to see if anything stands out.
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'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' - J. Robert Oppenheimer

Twitter: @JulesFM

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