[ZendTo] nightly-clear-up erase files during upgrade process

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Sun Apr 19 12:26:42 BST 2020


Sorry about that!
Yes, I currently have the post-install script in the rpm and deb 
packages automatically run the nightly clear-up script, as that gives it 
a chance to do the other main thing that script does, which is apply any 
needed db schema changes.
I clearly need to add a command-line parameter to it, so it won't delete 
anything, and use that extra switch when I call it from the post-install 

Thanks for pointing that one out to me!


On 19/04/2020 11:51, arnaud Chevalier via ZendTo wrote:
> Dear all,
> I hope everyone's okay.
> I did an upgrade of zendto from 5.17 to the last one. (apt-get -y upgrade)
> The upgrade did well, except nightly-clear-up erased everything 
> following the default retention before i had the time to launch 
> /opt/zendto/bin/upgrade.
> Anyway i rolled back to the pre-upgrade snapshot.
> I think i missed something during the process.
> Could you tell me what i missed?
> I wish you a nice day.
> Arnaud
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