[ZendTo] automationUsers

Jules Field Jules at Zend.To
Thu Jun 13 14:11:07 BST 2019

And you can prove if it really is a cert problem by adding the "-i" 
option to the ZendTo auto... command.
This passes a "--insecure" option to curl, which tells curl to not 
attempt to actually check the validity of the server's certificate.

If any of you have suggestions for either additional options (or a 
complete additional script) to help debug these sorts of issues, please 
do let me know! An "autodebug" script could just do a bunch of checks 
and confirm it can successfully get as far as logging in, but no more 
than that. All ideas welcome.


On 13/06/2019 13:41, zend.to at neilzone.co.uk wrote:
>> On 13 Jun 2019, at 13:27, Brian Smith <brian at lifetrends.com 
>> <mailto:brian at lifetrends.com>> wrote:
>> * SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
>> * Closing connection 0
>> I’m a bit confused by this since the cert is valid, not self-signed, etc.
> Assuming then its either an OS or web server issue rather than zend.to 
> itself, and on the basis you seem happy with your apache2/nginx ssl 
> config, you could try updating your cert directory/contents?
> [sudo] update-ca-certificates
> might do the trick?
> (But, if your box works fine other than for this, curious…)
> Best wishes
> Neil



The current UK shipping forecast:
Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea: North or northwest, backing southwest later, 4 or 5
occasionally 6 later in Fastnet. Slight or moderate, becoming smooth or slight
in Irish Sea. Rain or showers. Good, occasionally moderate.

Twitter: @JulesFM

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