[ZendTo] automationUsers

Brian Smith brian at lifetrends.com
Wed Jun 12 21:38:56 BST 2019

Yes. automationUsers is set to array(‘auto’).



From: zend.to at neilzone.co.uk <zend.to at neilzone.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 3:37 PM
To: Brian Smith <brian at lifetrends.com>; Jules Field <Jules at Zend.To>
Cc: ZendTo Users <zendto at zend.to>
Subject: Re: [ZendTo] automationUsers

On 12 Jun 2019, at 21:24, Jules Field via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to<mailto:zendto at zend.to>> wrote:

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work (I could be doing something wrong). I’ve created a local user using adduser called “auto”. I have “Multi” set under authenticator and authMultiAuthenticators set to “array(‘Local’, ‘LDAP’)”. I’ve also tried swapping the order to LDAP then Local.  This is the command I’m running (with identifying info changed):

/opt/zendto/bin/autorequest -u auto -p the*passw0rD -n ‘Jane Doe’ -e jane at email.com<mailto:jane at email.com> -o OrgName -s 'Test Automated Email' -t 'Note in test automated email.' -N 'John Doe' -E john at email.com<mailto:john at email.com> 'https://zend.orgname.com<https://zend.orgname.com/>'

No system logs are created (that I can find) and no errors.

I feel stupid commenting here, since Jules is already on the thread, but have you remembered to add the user to “automationUsers” in preferences.php?

  // You can list multiple usernames here. So different teams using the
  // scriptable requests could be done with different "system accounts" to
  // aid later diagnosis of problems as ZendTo will log the requests
  // against this username.
  'automationUsers' => array('auto'),



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