[ZendTo] Fresh Install Of ZendTo

Corey Britton cbritton1978 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 26 23:53:54 BST 2019

I am hoping you can help me out. I am trying ZendTo for the first time. I went thru the setup and entered the mail setup information. Rebooted the machine and added an user. Tried to send a file and received a SMTP error so I looked at the mail server's logs and when the connection is being made it's showing the user being helpdesk at zend.to. I've double checked the preferences file. It has the correct information in it. Not sure why it's doing it. I've tried it on CentOS 7 and Unbuntu 18 both have the same results.

  'SMTPserver'   => 'smtp.brittaero.com', // If blank, will use PHP mail(). See$  // SMTP port number. Usually 25, 465 or 587.  'SMTPport'     => 587,  // What encryption to use: must be '' (for no encryption) or 'tls'  // (or 'ssl' which is deprecated)  'SMTPsecure'   => 'tls',  // Do you need to authenticate to your SMTP server?  // If not, leave SMTPusername set to ''.  // If you do, set the username and password.  'SMTPusername' => 'autorespond', 'SMTPpassword' => 'somepassword',

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