[ZendTo] Drop-off issues

Mailing Lists mailinglists at pcfreak.de
Thu Nov 22 19:06:28 GMT 2018


maybe just the disk is full?



via Smartphone

> Am 22.11.2018 um 16:42 schrieb Marcos Parrell Solà via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to>:
> Hello and sorry if this issue has been addressed before,
> We have installed ZendTo from scratch over a new installation of CentOS 7 minimal and using the ZendTo installer, everything goes fine but we are experiencing issues when dropping-off the files, does not matter whatever you try to send, we always receive the same failure message and the logs does not through any error:
> Sorry, I failed to drop-off your files!
> Note that you cannot drop-off directories, only files
> The error appears when the drop-off progress bar reach the 100% but I have note that no file is placed on incoming folder during the upload… and ff course, we are not sending folders.
> I have seen someone reporting on last march the same issue ( http://jul.es/pipermail/zendto/2018-March/003156.html ) but he receive not answer, do you noticed this issue before?, is there anything I can check?
> I keep investigating but any clue will be appreciated!.
> Best regards and many thanks in advance,
> Marcos.
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