[ZendTo] Calling all translators (again, sorry!)

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Sun Jun 24 20:29:01 BST 2018

Manty and others,

I have added 1 or 2 strings to the po files since I last sent any out.

Please can you translate the missing phrases for me?

Manty — I think there's only 1 missing from what you sent me last time 
(which was 1 I added since). It's a sentence about the encryption 
feature in ZendTo's "about.php" page.

Many thanks all!

On 21/06/2018 3:49 pm, Jules Field via ZendTo wrote:
> Hi!
> I have spent the past few weeks implementing some new features in ZendTo.
> The big one is secure encryption and decryption of drop-offs.
> But there are others such as a cookie+GDPR consent box (optional, 
> don't worry!), and a nice new "Download All Files" button to save your 
> poor users having to click so much when picking up a drop-off.
> Inevitably, that means there is some new text in the user interface.
> If my lovely translators could get to work on those new strings, that 
> would be wonderful!
> Also, the new beta version requires a PHP upgrade from the previous 
> version. In some cases that is a major PHP upgrade!
> So I have improved the installer so that it will now upgrade your 
> system, as well as do a fresh install on new installations.
> So please can you (as root)
>     curl http://zend.to/files/install-beta.ZendTo.tgz
>     tar xzf install-beta.ZendTo.tgz
>     cd install.ZendTo
>     ./install.sh
> and confirm that everything works.
> I have tested the installer on both fresh installs and upgrades on 
> CentOS 6+7, RedHat 6+7, Ubuntu 14+16+18, Debian 8+9 and it works for me.
> If you just upgrade the ZendTo package itself, without upgrading PHP, 
> it will tell you about that on the main menu.
> So please give it a try and let me know what you think!
> Thanks all,
> Jules



Twitter: @JulesFM
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