[ZendTo] /var/zendto on NFS
Rahul Kumar
rahulkumar.imps at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 11:58:23 BST 2018
hi my zendto application not moving to next page after clicking next on
please help
Rahul Kumar
Contact(M): 9958664330
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Jules Field via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to>
> Yes, you will need enough disk space locally to store drop-offs that are
> actually in the middle of being uploaded. But that's not usually a huge
> amount of space. The max size of a drop-off times 2 is probably enough.
> They are kept locally during the upload as they need to be virus-scanned,
> optionally checksummed and optionally encrypted before being moved to the
> main drop-offs storage.
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 18/06/2018 16:50, Mr filesender via ZendTo wrote:
>> ok thank makes sense.
>> but if "incoming" is set to local disk, are dropoffs then limited to the
>> size of local disk? or are dropoffs broken into chunks and moved to
>> "dropoffs" (NFS) throughout the upload?
>> thank you
>> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 at 5:11 PM
>> From: "Jules Field" <Jules at Zend.To>
>> To: "Mr filesender" <jamesmm1 at gmx.com>
>> Cc: "ZendTo Users" <zendto at zend.to>
>> Subject: Re: [ZendTo] /var/zendto on NFS
>> Yes, you don't want to move all of it to NFS, as particularly the sqlite
>> database file needs careful record locking which only some versions of
>> NFS implement (and not always very well, even then).
>> You can store the drop-offs remotely if you like (*only*
>> /var/zendto/dropoffs) but I would strongly advise against moving
>> anything else out of local storage.
>> If you move the "incoming" directory to NFS, virus scanning,
>> checksumming and/or encryption will take far longer than necessary as
>> they will all be reading and writing via NFS, which is inevitably slower
>> than your local storage.
>> Cheers,
>> Jules.
>> On 18/06/2018 15:40, Mr filesender wrote:
>>> I have figured out what is the problem.
>>> if i move sqlite file and logfile to local storage, the NFS mount will
>>> then work.
>>> i dont know why zendto is not able to use NFS mount for these, the
>>> application just times out without any errors
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 1:51 PM
>>> From: Jules <Jules at Zend.To>
>>> To: "ZendTo Users" <zendto at zend.to>
>>> Cc: "Mr filesender" <jamesmm1 at gmx.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [ZendTo] /var/zendto on NFS
>>> Have you tried without using /var/zendto on NFS, but on local storage
>>> instead?
>>> If not, please do so and let us know what happens.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jules.
>>> On 15/06/2018 8:05 am, Mr filesender via ZendTo wrote:
>>> thank you for the prompt reply.
>>> im not sure if that link is relevant as i am running debian without
>>> SElinux.
>>> i have set
>>> 'clamdscan' => 'DISABLED'
>>> but it still behaves the same
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 6:04 PM
>>> From: "John Thurston via ZendTo" <zendto at zend.to>[mailto:zendto at zend.to]
>>> To: zendto at zend.to[mailto:zendto at zend.to]
>>> Cc: "John Thurston" <john.thurston at alaska.gov>[mailto:
>>> john.thurston at alaska.gov]
>>> Subject: Re: [ZendTo] /var/zendto on NFS
>>> Take a look in the archives from a few days ago where Jules discussed
>>> /var, SELinux, and relocation.
>>> http://jul.es/pipermail/zendto/2018-June/003213.html[http://
>>> jul.es/pipermail/zendto/2018-June/003213.html[http://jul.
>>> es/pipermail/zendto/2018-June/003213.html][http://jul.es/
>>> pipermail/zendto/2018-June/003213.html[http://jul.es/
>>> pipermail/zendto/2018-June/003213.html]]]
>>> --
>>> Do things because you should, not just because you can.
>>> John Thurston 907-465-8591
>>> John.Thurston at alaska.gov[mailto:John.Thurston at alaska.gov]
>>> Department of Administration
>>> State of Alaska
>>> On 6/14/2018 7:42 AM, Mr filesender via ZendTo wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> firstly thank you for your work with this application.
>>>> i have a problem. i have mounted NFS share for /var/zento folder but the
>>>> application then fails. there is no logs in either apache or zendto. no
>>>> errors are display in the browser. i have copied all the files correctly
>>>> to the location.
>>>> do you have any advice on using NFS with this appliction?
>>>> thank you
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>>> Jules
>>> Jules
>> --
>> Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>> 'It's very unlikely indeed he will ever recover consciousness, and
>> if he does he won't be the Julian you knew.'
>> - A hospital consultant I proved very wrong in 2007 :-)
>> www.Zend.To[http://www.Zend.To][http://www.Zend.To[http://www.Zend.To]]
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> Jules
> --
> 'There is silent poetry in the stillness of morning;
> in the calm, the cries & sighs of life sound like gentle music.'
> - @Astro_Wheels
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