[ZendTo] ZendTo version 5.01 - CentOS - Unable to drop off largish files.

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed Feb 14 12:51:53 GMT 2018

Michael and others,

The latest version of the installer will replace any customised/patched 
(or old unpatched) version of PHP5 with stock distribution RPMs of PHP7 
from the IUS community repo.
Download and run the latest installer and just let it install PHP for 
you (stage 2). On CentOS/RedHat 6+7 it does a huge[1] "yum replace" to 
replace your old PHP 5 (with or without patches) with PHP 7 (which 
doesn't need patching at all). And it should not break any config when 
it does it.

If you think it might have written a blank php.ini, you can just run 
stage 5 as well and that will re-install the php.ini settings and such like.

Then you never need to bother with patching PHP again! Yay!! :-)


[1] The actual command is tiny, it's basically "yum replace php-common 
php70u-common". The effect is the bit that's huge about it. :-)

On 12/02/2018 8:12 pm, Martel, Michael H. wrote:
> 64 bit.  The problem was that the version of PHP did not support files larger than 2gb.  Had I spent a few more minutes, I would have found Jule's email from August ish, that said that.  Like I said, I'm an idiot.
> Michael



'Ensanguining the skies
  How heavily it dies
  Into the west away;
  Past touch and sight and sound
  Not further to be found,
  How hopeless under ground
    Falls the remorseful day.' - A.E.Houseman

Twitter: @JulesFM
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