[ZendTo] Accentuated characters doesn't show correctly in mails sent by zendto v5

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Feb 6 09:40:32 GMT 2018


Many thanks for finding this! It's now in the main codebase, and I've 
undone the changes to the PHPMailer code so that is all back to exactly 
how they distribute it.


On 06/02/2018 09:11, Bocquet Stéphane wrote:
> Francis,
> Nice fix.
> This works for me nicely at the moment.
> Like you, don’t know why it was working sometime… and sometime not.
> Anyway, you rock ! Thank !
> Stéphane
> *De :*zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] *De la 
> part de* Francis
> *Envoyé :* lundi 5 février 2018 17:30
> *À :* ZendTo Users <zendto at zend.to>
> *Objet :* Re: [ZendTo] Accentuated characters doesn't show correctly 
> in mails sent by zendto v5
> 2018-02-01 13:19 GMT-05:00 Francis <francisd at gmail.com 
> <mailto:francisd at gmail.com>>:
>     Hello,
>     I just installed the new zendto v5. Thank you for the great work.
>     The translations are very welcomed!
>     I found that mails sent in french don't show accents (it shows
>     question mark instead). Even if I have 'UTF-8' set in
>     preferences.php for the SMTPcharset variable, zendto send the mail
>     as us-ascii.
> I think I found the problem.
> In lib/NSSDropbox.php, add this after line 136 (before the call lof 
> bindtextdomain):
> bind_textdomain_codeset('zendto', 'UTF-8');
> Not sure if this is required, but I removed compiled template in 
> /var/zendto/templates_c then I restarted Apache. Seem to work fine so far.
> I'm still unsure why this worked sometime... this is strange...
> -- 
> Francis
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'When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember
  that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.' - Louis Nizer

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