[ZendTo] Marge ZendTo servers

Jules Field Jules at Zend.To
Fri Dec 7 11:52:13 GMT 2018

Not easily, no.

The ClaimID and so on is used as the user interface, but internally it 
uses auto-incrementing counters on the DB tables. So while you have no 
clashing ClaimIDs (that's incredibly unlikely to happen), it is very 
possible you have clashing numbers in the DB tables.

I would disable all uploads and logins to the 3 old servers and force 
all new uploads/logins on to the new one.
Then the only access to the old ones will be pick-ups of existing 
drop-offs. Provided their links are distinct from the new server, they 
will continue to work.
Once the expiry date has passed for the last drop-off on any of the 3 
old servers, you can shut that one down.
Most drop-offs are picked up within a few days, so you'll see hits to 
the 3 old servers tail off very quickly.

That's generally the least painful way of doing it.

Hope that helps,

On 07/12/2018 11:24, Telipský Stanislav via ZendTo wrote:
> Hi Jules.
> I run three ZendTo servers in differend language.
> Now, when the ability to switch languages is released, I'd like to 
> merge them into one.
> I have a question: Is there a simple way to transfer files to another 
> server, export DB and merge it with DB on the target server?
> Of course, I assume there will be no ID match.
> BR
> *Stanislav Telipský*
> IT administrator
> *D.A.S. Rechtsschutz AG, pobočka pro ČR*
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